(no subject)

Aug 11, 2016 18:40

Self, you're not allowed to procrastinate on the last sex scene by fancasting the kids that don't even exist in this story. (Even if you have literally the best fancast photo known to all mankind.)

A) This needs to GET DONE. It is consuming your life.
B) If you were, say, to want to write sequel-y type things, you have to FINISH THE ORIGINAL FIRST.
C) ...on the other hand, there's a certain really great joy in just totally ruining the epilogue. Like, oh, I'm sorry, I've destroyed your timeline, ruined your main pairing, and I refuse to, like, name all the kids after dead parents. SORRY. Except you did this already.
D) You have a threesome to write. SHOO.
E) Please don't suddenly get distracted by realizing that the kids need daemons. NOPE. Do not do it.

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