(no subject)

Mar 04, 2008 10:58

After last night, which involved a pipe breaking in our building and the fire alarm system going off for half an hour at one am while public safety investigated the entirety of two dorms, I was a little less than thrilled at having to get up for class, largely because I'm still miserably sick. But my professor, the one who doesn't believe in illness, cancelled class because he's sick (oh, the irony), which means I don't have to get out of bed until like 6 PM.

Happy yet-more-primaries day! Everybody think happy Texan thoughts. You know Jensen's probably still registered in Texas, because jesus, he gave up on California politics when they elected an action movie star as governor, and he's definitely spent the last two weeks pretending that he was voting for John McCain just to wind Jared up. He kind of started it as a joke, except Jared's head almost exploded, and now there's no way he's giving it up because seriously? Come on. Jared's so easy to fuck with. Plus, he recruited the two people from Vermont in makeup and the PA from Ohio to get in on it, and they're all claiming to vote for Huckabee. Jensen keeps overhearing totally earnest conversations that go something like, "But he cooked squirrel in a popcorn popper!" "I don't know, Jared, I just really respect his views."

Plus, somebody heard about the whole thing and stuck a "VOTE FOR HILLARY '08" bumper sticker to the door of Jared's trailer, and Jensen couldn't stop laughing for an hour, Jared's freaked out reaction was so fantastic. As in, you know, he had to go reassure the entire cast and crew that he wasn't actually a Clinton supporter. Twice.

It's okay, though. Jensen's got a bunch of beer and he totally plans to turn on CNN and let Jared watch for the entire evening, and he'll probably tell him that he didn't actually vote for a Republican right after Vermont comes in, because hey, everybody knows election returns sex is the best kind.

He's totally leaving the bumper sticker, though.
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