(no subject)

Jan 05, 2008 18:34

So a couple of weeks ago, I was going on about a J2/SPN romantic comedy fest type thing, and posted a poll, and then life took over, so it's only now getting started. However, it's getting started in excellent ways and katjad offered to help me maintain and run it. So now we've got our comm up!

abouttwoboys! abouttwoboys! abouttwoboys!

Sign ups are running until the 11th, stories are due around Valentine's Day, and we're only asking 1000 words, so it's totally feasible. There's a huge list, so come and claim movies right here. The info page can be found over here.

You know you want to. Besides, you know what options you've got? Hooker!fic, virgin!fic, Jensen as the president (I'm dying for someone to claim this one), matchmaking, hound dogs and lightning storms, wedding crashing, and relatives who believe windex cures everything. I mean, really. What more do you need in life!

Feel free to crosspost (we'd love it!), sign up, and tell lots of people!

spn meta

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