(no subject)

Aug 22, 2007 01:53

So, uh, the J2 is done, except it's 14,000 words and I would just like to say that balefully and I are insane. It should be up in the next day or two, we just have to edit all 14-freakin'-K of it. (Also she's awesome. Just to tell LJ again. In case you guys didn't realize I thought so. Oh my god, I'm such a thirteen year old girl.)

Also, things I have packed: books, pants, sweaters, shirts, household supplies, office supplies, DVDs, tea.

Things I don't have packed: EVERYTHING ELSE.

In reality, I have an entire week and basically a dresser and a closet and a bathroom left to pack, so I really shouldn't be freaking out this much, except OH MY GOD WHY IS ALL OF MY STUFF IN BOXES AND TUPPERWARE BINS.
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