(no subject)

Aug 12, 2007 02:29

So having just watched Phantom Traveler - I think it's my new favorite episode, but I'm not sure if it's the pan up of Dean's body while he's sleeping or the suit or Sam reassuring him on the plane - I now think the world needs more insomniac!Sam fics, commentfics, and drabbles. Clearly he reacts to stress by staying up all the time - let's discuss ways Dean would get him to sleep.

1. Tequila. That about covers it.

2. Blowjobs. Slow and drawn out, with Sam sitting up against the pillows and Dean stretched out flat on the bed, with lots of touches to his thighs and stomach and maybe just behind the knee, until maybe Sam's so distracted and feeling so good he's starting to get sleepy while Dean's going down on him. And then after, he'd be like, "Dean," all soft and sleepy, and Dean would just tuck him in beneath the blankets and kiss him and he'd say, "Go to sleep, Sammy," and Sam totally would.

3. Maybe he'd rent a whole bunch of really stupid movies and just stay up all night watching them, and then maybe Sam would start tilting over a little toward him at 3 AM, and Dean wouldn't even say anything, you know? He'd just let him, and turn off the TV when Sam finally fell asleep, and not move to his own bed so that Sam wouldn't have to wake up alone.

4. Or maybe he'd get Sam drunk. Not wasted, or anything, but just enough to be relaxed, and then he'd wait until he was in bed and trying to go to sleep, maybe, and then he'd just kind of crawl in behind him and sprawl up close. And Sam would be like, "What the fuck, man?" and Dean would just say, "Hey, nothing's going to happen to you while I'm here," and Sam would exhale kind of shakily, finally, and nod just a little bit. And then Dean would turn the TV on really low, maybe on the food network or something, and maybe curl a hand over Sam's hip and stay there until he was okay and could fall asleep without being scared.

5. And as a last ditch effort, when things got really bad, Dean would maybe turn the shower on as high as it'd go and just kind of undress him, and then maybe he'd get in with him. And obviously, since it's a motel shower, he'd have to get really close, but he'd just kind of wrap his arms around Sam and press him back against the wall and stay there, and if Sam were so upset that he had to cry about whatever it was that was keeping him awake, no one's gonna know, because it's kind of wet anyway. And then maybe when Sam's just kind of actually leaning on him, maybe even falling asleep with his face against Dean's shoulder, he'd just kind of guide him back to bed and crawl in with him and settle in close, and then they'd both finally get some sleep.

Or, you know, alternate versions definitely welcome in comments. Discuss with me, people! I'm pointedly not posting while everyone's off reading the new Harry Potter book this time, damn it.

spn, spn meta

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