Jun 27, 2006 22:40
today i went on a hike with erik and his two golden retriever's "princess" and "brandy." it was way wicked fun. he got to my house when i was in the shower...so he had to wait for me to get ready. anyone who really knows me, knows that i take FOREVER. and then we had to make lunch and made three sandwiches with a half a loaf of italian bread. we also brought lots of chocolate, yogurt bars, bananas and an orange. and looooottts of WATER. it was really fun. his puppie-doggies are soo cute.
tomorrow is KELSEY LAMPPOST'S BIRTHDAY. she'll be 15 everyone!! golly it seems like just last year when kelsey was confusing Gabrielle saying that she was 12 and that she was turning 12. wow. 12 is young. im getting so old.. i remember when Gabrielle turned 15, kelsey and i could NOT believe it. Gabrielle seemed soooo old to us! and kelsey's coming up on july 2!! :D gosh at this time of year i always begin to hate time. it goes so quickly. you really do need to capture every moment of it. not waste any of it. because just like... that... and its gone.
and another thing! i need to see my Bee and Sara. i miss them like WOAH. its been over a week i believe since ive seen them last! =0
well i suppose thats everything. summer is still amazing. Babs and i are getting together tomorrow. yay! :D i have a little money. its awesome. i havent had money in forever!
Th-th-thats all folks. peace.out.♥.