Sep 11, 2006 22:41
WOW...what a weekend! I went up to Heartwood Birthday bash and had a GREAT TIME!
Had some realy good beaten like a harp seal from Sir kheron! I actually did miss that...LOL but at least I tired him out...I just kept comming back for more and more and more and more!...hee hee hee
Valintine and Ari were also in the Tourney...Valintine is REALY comming along! and a defence!...looking forward to fighting them both again!
It was good to see old friends at the event and to make new ones.
had some realy good conversations with some good friends, shared some good stories...HELL I even sang my SONG! been YEARS since I have done that!!!
Hell I even bought a chocolate egg for $7!!! just because it went for a good cause!!!...LOL
Yep was a good weekend...and I even behaved myself did not do anything stupid for a change! which is good for Batu was not there to take all the attention away from me...hee hee hee...AHHHHHH good ol' Batu!!!!
hmm....what else can I put down...* thinks *...errr..NOPE...not gonna share that, or that, nope, not that either...
Well I guess I am done saying all that I can about HBB...hee hee hee
Till next time, I hope all my friends are doing well!!!