Sep 14, 2005 20:00
A new friend on "myspace" sent me a "boyfriend application". Ron and I filled it out.
Location:I like it in the ass
Height:6-8 inches, depending on how much I like what I am seeing
Hair (color and style):brown and curly
Piercings/tattoos:I have a butterfly on my lowerback
1. Where would we go on dates?my bedroom.
2. Who is your favorite band/ The RubberBand
3. Do you drink/smoke?? yes-booze. yes-cigarettes and crack
4. Do you like the rain? no, but i am fond of golden showers
5. If so...would you play in it with me? no. I don't like to get peed on, bitch. I do the peeing
6. Do you like movies? porno
7. If so would you stay up and watch them with me all night? why would i watch pornos with a girl?
8. Could we cuddle and just fall asleep together?no, but if we watched porn together. . . i'd probably want you to blow me afterwards
9. Would you kiss my forhead?not if i spooged on it . . . and oh boy do i plan to
10. Do you play any sports no
11. If so...what?i said no. if this is a sign of how well you listen, we can forget this now
12. Would you call me right after we saw eachother to make sure i made it home alright? Yeah, if you stole any shit from my house
13. How would you rate your kisses from 1-10? 152. but i don't kiss whores
14. Favorite body part on you?your boobs
15. What would you say is the best thing about yourself?my right hook
16. Do you have any reps (ie: heartbreaker, prick)?no i represent myself . . . and the west side
17. Would you give me kisses just because? no. would you blow me for no reason?
18. Would u sleep in the same bed as me? i am a chronic bedwetter. your pajamas would make a great pee sponge
19. Would u take me home to meet your parents? yeah, i'd let my dad fuck you too
20. Are you into sex? no, i am a virgin
21. If so, whats the soonest into our relationship you'd have it? 6 minutes before i go to sleep every night
22. Would you tell your friends we had sex? yes, they'd be the ones filming