Frustration!! (about singing)

Mar 24, 2012 23:09

So remember how I wrote about how my dad made a friend who's a record producer and he wants to hear me sing?

Weeelll I've been trying all night to record something good. And. It's just frustrating. I guess I'm being a perfectionist. I recorded about... seven different videos, tried four different songs before settling on one.
But it's still like... I hear one note I could've done better, or I see myself make a weird face that I say to myself "Okay, I'll try again and this time I'll tilt my head differently," or like I don't enunciate a word enough and IUGFISFBASIGFS;ASIFJSD.

It's just. I feel like... in the video I finally settled with, I just. I don't look pretty enough. I have like a double chin in parts of the video and my hair is too poofy. And I don't sound good enough. Sometimes I get too quiet or my "S"s don't come through on the camera.

I feel like crying. I was so excited for this opportunity. And I just want it to be perfect, y'know?

I was thinking about posting the video here, but I feel like it'd seem like I was fishing for compliments or something, IDK. What do you think? :/ should I post it here?

singing, i am disappoint, blehh

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