Posting Drabbles

Mar 20, 2012 15:46

Alright, I've written the two prompts I was given. It was so much fun to finally WRITE something. I'm accepting more prompts still so, prompt away! :D

Drabbles, all M/A

Drabble 1:
Prompt: Merlin/Arthur "In Your Arms, I find peace" Prompted by yenny2206
366 words, PG?

Merlin stretched, the early morning light filtering in through the small gap in his curtains. It took him a moment to realize where he was and why he felt a feeling of utter contentment buzzing through him. This wasn't his room-his curtain rod had fallen off a few weeks ago, and he hadn't replaced it yet.

This was Arthur's room. Which meant that Arthur was most likely here.

Merlin slowly turned over onto his back and peeked to the side. Arthur was there. Even in sleep he looked composed; he wasn't snoring and chin was drool-free. Merlin shook his head and smiled fondly for a second before he saw-oh. Oh. Not only was Arthur gloriously shirtless, but the leg he had thrown over the sheets was bare as well.

Right. They had slept together last night, in more ways than one. The feeling of contentment froze into panic. If Arthur saw Merlin in his bed, would he freak out? What if he didn't remember what had happened the night before, just as Merlin was only slowly regaining the memories?

Their friendship would be ruined.

Merlin slowly, slowly started climbing out of bed, wincing when the bedframe squeaked under his shifting weight.

Arthur made a mumbling sound and reached out, blindly grasping for Merlin. He opened one blue eye blearily and said in a hoarse voice, “Where are you going? Get back in bed.”

Merlin blinked for a second as the words washed over him. Arthur wanted him here. Arthur wanted him.

He lay back down in the bed, first cautiously, then nestling against Arthur's chest. The soft hairs there tickled his back and his sleepy body heat washed the panic out of Merlin's head.

Arthur's arm wrapped itself firmly around Merlin's waist, and Merlin hid a ridiculously wide grin in the pillow. He felt whole, safe, and infinitely at peace in a way he hadn't ever before.

There would be fights in the future, arguments and tears. But Merlin knew with a strange certainty that this peace that flooded every beat of his heart would remain with him. Arthur was his, and as he linked his fingers with Arthur's, he gave himself over to Arthur.


Drabble 2:
Prompt: Merlin/Arthur- magic reveal aftermath. Prompted by be_my_precious
535 words, PG

He felt like he was standing on the perilous edge. For a moment, Arthur couldn't think, couldn't breathe.

“What... just happened?”

He didn't want to believe. Merlin hadn't done magic, that was impossible. Clumsy, pure, ordinary Merlin who didn't seem so ordinary when he gave Arthur those wide unassuming smiles.

He seemed the opposite of the cruel magic users his father had always told him about, so rather than shake the foundation of his beliefs, Arthur decided he would just not believe.

Yet it was difficult to ignore the fact that five seconds ago, a group of bandits had been swarming them in the forest, and then a flash of light had knocked them all unconscious-or dead.

Arthur looked down at Merlin. He was kneeling on the ground, staring at his shaking hands. He looked so vulnerable, especially after such a display of power.

Betrayal filled Arthur, for not only could Merlin do magic, Merlin, his servant and his friend and someone he found himself thinking about more and more every day; but Merlin hadn't trusted Arthur enough to tell him. Arthur wasn't his father, he wasn't-but he still found himself hauling Merlin up by the arms and shoving him against the nearest tree.

“You--” he started, when Merlin's eyes flashed gold and suddenly Arthur found himself pinned to the tree, only Merlin's hands stayed by his side. Arthur struggled for a moment, feeling angry and helpless and realizing that magic was keeping him in place.

At once the anger melted and his face crumpled. He wasn't crying, far from it, but he felt an indescribable empty sadness. His best friend could use magic. Powerful magic, by the looks of the bandits who had been knocked back all at once.

What was Merlin? Was he evil? Arthur couldn't believe it.

He felt a hand smoothing over his brow and, raising his eyes from the ground, he fixed them on Merlin's. Merlin looked worried, earnest-far from evil.

“I'm sorry, I'm sorry,” Merlin was whispering, over and over. He looked like he might cry, and suddenly Arthur wanted nothing more than to comfort him.

All he said, though, was “Why didn't you tell me?”

Merlin looked stricken. “I wanted to, Arthur, I... I wanted to, please believe that.”

He seemed to notice Arthur's renewed struggling against his magic bonds and, his eyes glowing gold once more, released Arthur.

Somehow that, more than anything Merlin could have said, showed Arthur that Merlin was on his side. He had trusted Arthur enough to release him-though with a sudden jolt, Arthur realized Merlin could strike him down in an instant if Arthur attacked him.

Merlin was powerful, Arthur realized with awe, and he said so aloud.

Merlin gave a small smile, seeming relieved that Arthur wasn't trying to pummel him. “I would never hurt you though, Arthur.”

Arthur sighed, returning the smile, but rubbed his face with his hand tiredly. “This is a lot to process, Merlin. I don't know what I think right now. Just... no more secrets, okay? I want you to trust me.”

“No more secrets?” Merlin asked.

“I just said--” and Merlin's mouth found his.

arthur/merlin, fic, writing, drabbles

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