Jan 26, 2011 20:32

Gah, I haven't been on in so long!

I have an excuse though, and I think it's a pretty damn good one. I have to use my mom's laptop to post, because our family computer broke a few months ago and my parents have been holding off on either paying to get it fixed or buying a new one. And as my mom doesn't like me to use her laptop, I'm unable to get on often. SO. I have to suffer and be computerless! -cries-

In other news, I turned 17 on the 24th!!!! HAPPY BIRTHDAY, ME. :D
I also got my learner's permit on my birthday! SQUEE! I know, I could've gotten it more than a year ago, but I've been putting it off. I'm pretty excited to start driving. Anyone who lives in Maryland, stay out of empty parking lots, cause I'll be practicing. xD

Also, I've been working on an ink drawing of winged!Harry. It's taking a while because I've been lazy and not painting the ink. xD

I've been obsessed with a few things lately.
-Croissants with nutella. Yummm. Nutella always reminds me of when I went to Germany over the summer, but I haven't bought it in the US since two days ago. It's so yummy!
-Soap, perfume, and lotion. Especially from indie or etsy companies. I made my first order from Haus of Gloi ( a few weeks ago, and it arrived just after a few days. Everything smelled divine, so I made a second order! My three favorite scents are Apothecary, Elevenses, and my favorite, Depravity. Depravity smells a little strange in the bottle but just DIVINE on my skin.
Anyway, I'm hoping to make an order soon (hopefully today?) from some other companies, such as Solstice Scents and One Hand Washes the Other.

SO. I did really well on my mid-term exams!!!!
I can't tell you how happy I am about that, because I haven't been doing amazing in school, as I've missed a lot/not done much homework. I actually got an A on my AP World History exam, and because of that my teacher changed my D in the class to a C. -cries with happiness-

Outside right now it's snowing! There's about six inches right now. There was no school today, and I'm hoping there won't be any tomorrow. -dances- Sadly, because of the snowstorm, the computer just blinked... so I should probably turn it off. o_o SO BYE!

life, scents, school, birthday, driving

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