
Nov 06, 2012 08:46

Yes, I can never think of a good subject line. :(

So! Today is voting day for those of you in the US. I voted absentee so I've already voted, but I'm pretty nervous for the outcome. How many of you have voted?

I've been working on my assignment for my Honors class, which is a class that focuses on research papers and arguments. I've got 7 pages done, and the final (due November 14) needs to be 10-12. I have a lot of editing to do.

Still been pretty depressed and down in general, but I'm getting through my days. Also counting the days before I can go home for Thanksgiving.
I was reading a fic and one of the characters mentioned making homemade tomato soup and garlic bread and now I just REALLY WANT TO COOK THAT. So that'll be happening when I get home. I've never made tomato soup before, actually. I've made vegetable soups before though that have turned out excellently. And it's that time of year that's good for hot soups.

And to anyone from October Swap, I have a bunch of stuff that I haven't sent out yet! It'll be there soon. ♥ I'm just normally a very late person.

I have my Drawing class in 15 minutes, so I'll be leaving now for that. 3 hour long class. BUT later this week we'll be drawing from nude models, which is both exciting and nerve-wracking because I'm sure I'll blush horribly. I love drawing people though, and it will be really good practice.
Hope you all have a good day. ♥

cooking, college

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