2985th author!

Jun 16, 2011 11:12

I wrote a script to figure out which author I am on "my" paper, which has had an official author list assigned now that it's about to circulate to the entire ATLAS collaboration.

counting = False
nauth = 0
ns = -1
for line in open("atlas_authlist_trackjet.tex"):
if line.count("bigskip"): counting = not counting
if counting and line.count("^"): nauth += 1
if line.count("[sethrates]"): ns = nauth
print "There are %i authors, and [Sethrates] is author number %i." % (nauth,ns)

The result:

[Sethrates]-MacBook-Pro:Documents2011 [sethrates]$ python countauthorlist.py
There are 3023 authors, and [Sethrates] is author number 2985.
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