Not a lot going on today

Dec 21, 2012 09:13

It's Tom's birthday; for the next few months we're both 34. ^_^ Later on the Zodling Duo and I are going out to pick up the red velvet cupcakes I ordered for him. Tonight's birthday feast will be provided by Smashburger, and tomorrow we're doing steaks and baked potatoes.

But not much else is going on.

Mark's still sick. Getting fever meds and antibiotics is still a chore. And he's still doing random screeching for no readily discernable reason WAY more often than usual. x_x

We're hanging out at the house, watching Backyardigans, while I do laundry and putter round online. Tonight, Zodlings permitting, I hope to *finally* get the last of the presents wrapped and the Christmas cards written and addressed.

christmas, birthday!, zodlings

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