I *was* having such a lovely few days, with more nice days anticipated...

Dec 11, 2012 08:24

Saturday, I went Christmas shopping solo, while Tom watched the boys, who were being exceedingly goofy even for them. I got my watch clasp fixed, bought Tom's Christmas present, and ordered some awesome red velvet cupcakes for him and his office, to be ready on his birthday next week as a surprise. Wandered around the old historic shopping section of COS, and went home feeling quite pleased with myself.

Sunday was a bit less pleasant, as it was too damned cold to unleash the Zodling Duo on the backyard, and they were even goofier than they'd been the previous day, for reasons we could not determine. They've been cooped up in the house because of inclement weather before, and not been remotely this aggravating. :/ Tom made brownies. I made oatmeal raisin cookies, and my super-easy Mark-safe fried rice for dinner, since Tom was expecting to get called in to work if Things Happened requiring Public Affairs to respond. (Didn't, but better to be prepared.)

Monday started out well. Still cold, and Mark refused to wear gloves at the bus stop. But both boys kept their hats on, and Mark at least had the sense to keep his hands in his overlong sleeves most of the time. Jack kept his mittens on like a very good boy, and had a blast exploring the snow and listening to it crunch under his boots. :D

After they were off to school, I decided that since my stomach was mildly acting up and it was ridiculously cold, I would take a nice luxurious nap. I was caught up on laundry; Tom had recently deep-cleaned the bathrooms; and there wasn't anything I really *had* to do regarding housework or other domestic goddess tasks.

Everything seemed fine, aside from minor stupid gastro. tricks. I was looking forward to having a nice rest of the week too. Tomorrow Mark has an allergist appt. at the Academy's hospital, which I can actually drive to, unlike the Ft. Carson medical group. Tomorrow night D11 Special Ed Services is holding a Parents' Night Off for two hours, and Tom and I were planning to go to either HuHot Mongolian Grill or a Chinese buffet with our free time. :D Friday night one of Tom's superiors is hosting a holiday party to which children are welcome, and a white elephant gift exchange will be held. We were looking forward to that a lot. I was planning to make both Mark-safe cookies and the decidedly NOT Mark-safe butterscotch oatmeal cookies that Tom's coworkers rave about every time I send some with Tom.

And of course this weekend: The Hobbit. :D :D :D :D :D

Tom and I will have to take turns going, but it'll be WORTH it. :D :D :D :D :D

Then I decided to check my purse, late in the afternoon, to see if I had enough cash to take Jack to Culver's this afternoon before his occupational therapy.

And I found my wallet was gone. o_o

My mil. ID, driver's license, cell, keys ipod, checkbook, and oddly enough my Sam's Club membership card, had not been in the wallet, and were still present and accounted for.

My copy of our joint credit card, my personal account's debit card, and my JCP credit card, however..... x_x

Ransacked the purse, the laundry room, the card, my room, the library on a longshot, and even Mark's room in case he'd been digging in my purse and taken the wallet up there to play with.

To no avail. Tried calling Mya Bella Cupcakes, the last place I remembered having the wallet out, but they're closed Sundays and Mondays.

Explaining this to Tom, who got home shortly thereafter, was NOT PLEASANT.

The stress of trying a last-ditch effort to find the damn wallet nearly triggered a full-blown attack of stupid gastro. tricks, and definitely set off a bad enough reaction to give me an unpleasant night's sleep. :(

In the end, he reported our joint account card missing, which meant the bank locked out his card too - right before Christmas ::wince:: - and we'll get replacements sent in 7-10 business days. I reported my JCP card missing, got the acct. locked down, and will also get a new card sent in about that length of time. Neither account had had any unauthorized purchases, thank God.

My personal debit card is handled directly through the credit union, which is in Omaha, and they were closed for the day by the time I called. :( Called this morning as soon as they opened; got the card locked; will get the forms needed for ordering a new card via email, as they cannot do that directly over the phone when a credit union member hasn't used her account in so long she's forgotten the PIN. ::face-palm::

Still going to try calling Mya Bella to see if they happen to have the wallet behind the counter, as I had a small amount of cash and a large number of customer loyalty cards. Also my library card. :( They won't open til 11, but I'm hoping someone will be in the shop earlier for work.

God damn it. I thought I was being so careful. :(

Here's hoping a little self-care can salvage my health enough to keep the rest of the week from being torpedoed. I WANT to go out to dinner with my Tom tomorrow night. I WANT to go to that Christmas party. I REALLY REALLY WANT to see The Hobbit opening weekend, and to have Tom have to go too, even if we can't go together.

christmas, self-pity, how i miss caffeine, i am a baka, health, insert mutsumi icon please, zodlings, stupid gastrointestinal tricks

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