Found a very delightful blog via the tumblr account of LJ's Cleolinda: Similar to such blogs as The Daily Kitten or Cupcake(s) Of The Day.
This is, as the blog contributor noted, my dream room. ::fans bookophile self::
I can feel a smallish rant coming on re: our dental insurance. May or may not write it. On the upside, we are making progress on getting Mark set up with ABA therapy.
Speaking of whom, he fell asleep half an hour ago, before WordGirl could begin. Jack fell asleep on my shoulder a few minutes ago. They look ridiculously cute. ^_^
I'd nap, but I need to dig through the Doom Binder and find Mark's Tricare card, as the ABA provider needs a photocopy of it along with the rest of the intake paperwork.
Said Doom Binder needs decorating. I am contemplating Xellos, for when I am feeling particularly wrathful, and Belldandy, for when I am feeling please with the world or when I need to relax. Thoughts? Suggestions?
Also feeling the need for a microrant about the landlord. Remember how chunks of our fence fell down in a windstorm last week? Well, maintenance was scheduled to repair it last Thursday. No one showed up. Friday, we spent a couple hours on hold waiting to ask what happened. We were told they had no record of the repair request in their system.
Nnngggh. No record of our repair request or the scheduled repair. Joy. So we still can't let the kids run free back there.
Supposedly someone's coming tomorrow. We'll see.