Drabbles, Part I

Mar 03, 2006 19:29

OK. So here is the first round of drabbles in my celebration of 1 year on LJ. Once again, if anyone is interested in requesting one who hasn't already, please to give me a pairing and prompt HERE.

So, in the order in which they demanded to be written...

Three Drabbles, as yet unnamed. Although I may get adventurous later and give them titles. Who knows! :D

For pre_raphaelite1, who asked for "Sirius, wanking for show." NC-17; 105 words

Black hair shivers delicately in puffs of desperate breath, damp strands sticking to cheeks and neck. He bends so prettily, pale body contorting, bare feet scrabbling for purchase on the front of the desk below him. He's sweeping brushstrokes of lust - tensed thighs and trembling knuckles, eyes half-closed and steel grey. His cock is a flushed line of desire disappearing and reappearing through his curved fingers. Toes curled, head back, fist gliding ruthlessly, he comes in jagged, mewling pulses.

He subsides, licking his fingers with an obscenely pink tongue, glancing to the shadowed chair for approval.

A dark growl rumbles out: "That's a start."

For fairyprincess86, who asked for R/S. PG; 100 words



"What're you doing?"

"Stupid Potions essay."

"Erm... Moony?"


"If you weren't doing the essay... I mean, if you were doing something else... if you could pick? What would it be?"


"It's just a question. No harm in a question, yeah?"

Remus sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose. "Given the choice, I'd be done with the essay. Which I won't be if you keep asking me ridiculous questions about what I'd be doing if I'd already finished."

"Moony? Wanna snog?"

"Merlin. Thought you'd never ask."

Sirius chuckled and leant in, sending Remus' parchment flying.

For kellygreen, who asked for "Tropical R/S." R (for language) This is a double-drabble. 200 words. Couldn't help it. They had too much to say.

"It’s hot."

"Oh, do shut up. That's the point, really, isn’t it? Honestly. You're such a bloody girl sometimes."

"Girl? You'll have to remind me of that the next time you beg me to bugger you through the wall, Sirius."

"Shut up. Anyway, I'm not the one whinging about the heat."

"I wasn't whinging. I was remarking that it was hot. Which it is."

"Your grasp of the obvious is enviable."

"This coming from you? The man who routinely says things during sex like 'Oh Merlin, you’re fucking me'? Shall I play that card?"

"Bugger off. I like it here. I don’t have to wear so many clothes," - a fiendish grin - "and neither d'you."

"Mm-hmm. Very original. I bet no one's ever thought of that before. I'd wager-"

"Remus," he cut in, "it's sunny and you're here and I'm happy. So maybe we should both shut up. 'Sides. I want one of those funny drinks with the little umbrellas."

Remus blinked. And smiled. "That's a fine idea. First round on me?"

Sirius grinned and twined their fingers together as they scuffed through the sand. "First, fourth and seventh."

Remus shook his head, laughing quietly. "Why?"

"Wouldn't you like t'know?"

So, that's it. Oh, and in case you couldn't tell, that WAS Remus in the first one too. So here we have 3 R/S drabbles and I was just lamenting about my neglect of them lately. Hooray for me! ;)

Alright. That's the first batch down. Hope you enjoy them. More to come soon!

r, fanfic, pg, remus/sirius, nc-17, drabbles

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