More fic!!!

Aug 02, 2005 20:55

Title: Brotherly Love
Author: sethkyne_blue
Pairing(s): Sirius/Regulus
Rating: NC-17
Word count: 1881
Content: incest, corridor sex
Warnings/Kinks: same
Summary: Sirius catches Regulus after detention.
Disclaimer: All HP characters and their universe belong to J.K. Rowling and her publishers. No copyright infringement is intended.
Author’s note(s): This is for spessartine for the As You Please fic exchange that terpsichore_ and cocoalatte organized. She asked for: “Hair pulling, mean and nasty Sirius”. This is so ridiculously late and I am so embarrassed! I’m so so so sorry about that! :(
Acknowledgements: Thanks to mackittenx for the feedback/read-through and to _emeraldgreen for much inspiration for both Regulus and the S/Reg dynamic in this fic.

The door banged shut behind him and he frowned. He was relieved to be out of the classroom, but anxious to get back to the dungeons as quickly as possible. If he could just make it back before-

“Oh, dear. Someone’s been naughty, eh?”


“Been serving our detention like a good boy, have we, Regulus?”

The last thing Regulus wanted to see right now was him, with his arrogant smirk and that insufferable tone to his voice. “Fuck you,” he mumbled, trying to brush past.

“I beg your pardon?” Sirius grabbed his arm as he walked by, digging his fingers in rather harder than necessary.

“Let me go. I’ve got nothing to say to you.”

“But I have rather a lot to say to you, dear brother. Or perhaps you forgot why you ended up in detention in the first place?” Sirius was nearly always painfully good-looking, no matter what expression he wore. This nasty, poisonous sneer was one of the few that left him as plainly ugly as anyone else at their worst.

“Don’t worry. I haven’t forgotten. Nor has it slipped my mind why you and that blood traitor best friend of yours were in detention yourselves just last week. Eye for an eye, brother. Or have you forgotten everything we learnt as children?”

Sirius’ face darkened with anger. “I’ve told you before to watch your damned mouth. If you ever call James that again-”

“Merlin forbid I should bad-mouth your bloody boyfriend.”

“Take that back.”

Regulus found all the air pressed from his lungs as Sirius shoved him backwards into the wall and trapped him there.

“Take it back!”

“What? The part where you’re fucking him? Or do you prefer ‘buggering’? You probably take turns, anyway. What was last night?”

Sirius slammed forward, his arm across Regulus’ chest. He leaned in closely, his lips twisting with rage. “You foul-mouthed little shit. How dare you.”

Regulus faltered a bit at the pain in his ribs, but managed to regroup, gasping slightly. “Reckon that means you were on the bottom, then.”

His brother’s eyes went wide at first, then narrowed down to cold, hard points. Sirius’ voice was unctuous and probing. “You would think we were fucking. But that’s only because you’ve never had a proper friend in your life. Not quite sure what it looks like - feels like. Are you?”

Regulus felt his jaw clench.

“Poor, poor little Regulus. Just Sirius Black’s nasty baby brother. Not worth any notice except as an after-thought to me, right?” Sirius leant in to deliver his last words right against Regulus’ cheek: “How does that make you feel?”

An infuriated cry echoed down the hallway and it was only when he held Sirius tightly by a fistful of glossy black hair that Regulus realised it had been his own.

“Let up, you-ah!”

Regulus twisted his handful, pressing his momentary advantage. The situation soon became a stand-off when Sirius grabbed his own clump of Regulus’ hair and yanked hard.


“Yeah. Hurts, doesn’t it?”

Regulus set his expression and refused to answer.

“Oh yes, you’re so fucking - ow! - stoic. Doesn’t change anything. You’re still a worthless little bastard that nobody-”

Regulus’ teeth were sunk in Sirius’ ear before he knew he wanted to do so. Sirius pulled harder on his hair, attempting to dislodge him, but this simply spurred Regulus on. He moved down roughly, biting savagely along the side of Sirius’ neck, his breathing harsh and unsteady.

Neither of them could say precisely how it happened, but somehow as Regulus’ bites made their way over Sirius’ jaw and onto his cheek, their mouths met. Teeth crashed and they both drew blood before there was an inexplicable shift and they were kissing.

It was vicious at first, more an additional clash of wills than anything else. But as the kiss continued with neither of them backing down, it swelled into something entirely different; something long, slow, and wet with a deep press of tongues.

There was a faint screaming somewhere in the back of Regulus’ mind, forming words like ‘no’ and ‘stop’ and ‘wrong’, but he ignored it completely for the hot, sucking mouth pressed over his own. Didn’t matter who it was really, as the kisses were knee-buckling and expert. But it did matter, Regulus noted in fascination, as he breathed in the warm, familiar scent of his brother and it made his body tense with arousal.

Him. It was him. Sirius couldn’t stop kissing him. It was better than besting him in a duel, better than any silent approval, this hungry, desperate crush of bodies. Regulus could feel that he really could do whatever he wished from here on out - a part of Sirius was already his and no-one could ever change that. So he took a chance, following the steady pull of excitement that thrummed through his body.

A dangerous animal-noise rolled from Sirius’ chest as Regulus’ hand found his flies.

“You’re hard,” Regulus said in a taunting whisper.

“Shut up,” Sirius muttered and thrust unabashedly into his touch. “Bet you are as well.” Sirius’ thigh brushed against Regulus’ crotch, startling a sharp intake of breath from him. “Exactly. So you can stop talking about it right now.”

Their mouths met again and this time neither of them could deny that this was what they both wanted. This - perfect, savage, uncompromising, urgent. Sirius pushed away Regulus’ hand and pressed him into the wall with his hips, his bones sharp and slightly uncomfortable even through multiple layers of clothes.

It was simply one more thing that didn’t matter. Regulus’ hipbones were angular, just like his brother’s - another trait they shared like the Black nose, or their stormy-grey eyes. Peaks and hollows alike were ignored as it was a different hardness they were both intent on now. Sirius’ pelvis rocked in searching circles until he found the proper friction, eliciting a stunned gasp from them both.

On instinct, Regulus reached up once again and took a handful of Sirius’ hair. He curled his fingers carefully through the soft strands, admiring the texture before sinking his fist in fast and tugging cruelly. Sirius growled, letting his head tip back, exposing the pale length of this throat. The sight of all that flawless skin made Regulus’ mouth ache and water, and so he pressed his lips to the hollow of Sirius’ throat, licking lightly, grazing with teeth.

“You’d better mean it,” Sirius grated as he buried his own hand in Regulus’ hair, pulling just as hard. He started a steady motion with his hips now, pushing Regulus forcefully into the stones in his eagerness to feel the hot jolt of Regulus’ erection against his own.

Regulus shifted against his brother, his breath coming hard and quick. This was wrong. And it was so good. But. Too many clothes.

Sirius must have read his mind, as he drew back with no warning, slapping away Regulus’ hands where they had settled on his hips. “Open your trousers,” he said matter-of-factly, as if telling Regulus to hand him a quill. When Regulus didn’t respond immediately, Sirius’ face clouded with anger. “Bloody hell, Regulus. Don’t make me say it again. Trousers. Now.” His voice was an unyielding bark, his eyes snapping with dark disapproval.

Regulus obeyed unthinkingly, only remembering to curse his automatic compliance as his trousers were easing over his hips.

“Oh fuck it,” Sirius snarled, reaching forward and dragging Regulus’ pants down himself with a harsh jerk of impatience. “Too bloody slow, as always,” he muttered crossly.

Regulus gasped. Sirius’ hand had enveloped his erection and was tugging and twisting it in a way that made him question whether he had ever actually got the hang of wanking, after all. “Jesus. Fuck. Uh.”

“Undo mine or I’ll stop,” Sirius said in a colourless tone, his wrist still rocking steadily.

Not wanting to find out whether Sirius was completely sincere in his threat, Regulus fumbled clumsily with Sirius’ flies, finally managing to get them drawn down after a brief wrestle with his belt.

“Pull out my cock. And do it nicely.”

Saliva washed through Regulus’ mouth and he swallowed convulsively, but did as he was told.

Sirius gave a deep, satisfied rumble as Regulus freed him and let his fingers wander curiously along the length, before catching himself at it and forcing his hand to stop. Sirius didn’t remark on Regulus overstepping his bounds, but instead pulled his hand away to lick his palm and fingers thoroughly. Nudging forward with his hips again, he bumped the solid line of Regulus’ hardened prick with his own. Skin stuck and then slid as he completed his thrust, and Regulus let out an odd yelp of surprise.

“Like that?” Sirius’ words were husky as he laboured for breath. “How ‘bout this?” He spit into his palm and reached downwards, wrapping them both in his fist and pumping them hard at the same time.

Regulus’ head hit the wall with a painful-sounding thump, but it didn’t distract him from rolling his hips forward into Sirius’ grasp. Their cocks slid along one another, damp and sticky, urgent noises choking both their throats.

Sirius’ hips moved with his hand, his fingers dragging desperately up and down in an ever-increasing frenzy. “Better…oh fuck…better hurry up. Once I come you’re on your own.”

The words alone might have been enough, but coupled with Sirius’ rough hand and the slick of his cock so close and so hard, Regulus quickly toppled over the edge, spilling into Sirius’ palm with a cry of unexpected pleasure. Sirius eyes widened slightly and his lips parted, eagerly smoothing Regulus’ come down himself as he continued to pump his cock. A few seconds later he gave a muffled groan and spurted over his own knuckles.

Gulping lungfuls of air, Sirius rested his head against the wall just above Regulus’ shoulder. In an inexplicable rush of tenderness, Regulus reached up to loop his arms around Sirius’ ribs. Sirius stiffened, jerking back abruptly and shoving away Regulus’ arms with a snarl of distaste. “Get the fuck off me, you sodding poof.” His cheeks were still lightly flushed from orgasm as his face contorted into an expression of suspicious disgust. He reached for Regulus and grabbed him up by the front of his robes, leaving a thick smear of their combined release across the fabric as it bunched up around his fingers. “You tell anyone about this - anyone - and I’ll fucking kill you. Understand?”

Regulus stared back at him dazedly.

“Do you understand me?” He shook his brother once.

The words were a staccato burst that somehow managed to finally penetrate Regulus’ brain. He nodded dumbly.

“Right, then.” Sirius dropped him, sniggering as he noticed the mess he’d made of the front of Regulus’ clothes. He carefully and deliberately wiped his hand off on Regulus’ robe and stepped back with a sneer. “Better clean that up before anyone sees or they’ll think you can’t suck cock properly. And you a Slytherin! The teasing would be endless.” With a final, cruel curve of his beautiful mouth Sirius headed off down the hall, whistling faintly to himself as he fastened up his trousers.

Regulus eased himself back against the stones, redressing himself and fumbling for his wand in silence, with shaky hands.

fanfic, sirius/regulus, nc-17

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