Final drabbles!!

Apr 22, 2005 19:40

Ok. Here are the last two drabbles that I promised from the original meme. This exercise has given birth to a couple of other mini-projects (looks pointedly at irish_lily) but those will be dealt with once I have the inclincation and some extra time. I think at some point or other I will also be posting an over-all drabble-meme-thingy where I will have links to all the stuff that was done for me as well as (perhaps) links to all the drabbles I did. We'll see. In any case, this has been so much fun and giant loves to all who have participated. :D

The second for mackittenx: Sirius/Lily, Hard R/NC-17

Best Left Unsaid

Her hair hung in his face, vivid and silky. Bright tendrils stuck to both their cheeks as damp breath intermingled and their bodies rocked frantically towards completion. He thrust upwards raggedly, clutching her waist. Red marks from his gripping fingers blazed on the soft flesh of her thighs and hips. She leaned into him hard, making him gasp and he felt himself coming as she tightened herself around him, impossibly hot…

Sirius broke from his reverie, shaking off memories that clung to him like smoke.

James looked expectantly at him.

“Evans?” Sirius shrugged. “Nah. Don’t really know her, do I?”

And last, but not least, for the5thmarauder: James/Remus/Sirius, Rish

Tag Team

“Not getting away that easy.” Sirius dodged into Remus’ path and caught him by the shoulders.

“Padfoot-” Exasperation sharpened his voice.

“Don’t get in a snit. We just want to talk.”


“Yeah.” James’ hot breath in his ear; press of his body from behind.


“’S’Alright.” James’ hands were easing down his sides and Remus seemed to have forgotten how to breathe properly.

“Just talking, eh?” he managed. Skepticism curled his lip.

“Well. Perhaps a bit more than that.” The backs of Sirius’ fingers brushed down the center of Remus’ stomach and lingered at his flies. “All right?”

sirius/lily, r, fanfic, sirius/james/remus, nc-17, drabbles

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