May 20, 2008 16:59
"So we all have this Buddha nature within us. It's very important to identify with that---not with this deluded side. To waste our life getting attached to all these meaningless things that are going to die and fade away and cheat us.... The one thing that will not fade away and cheat us and change into something worse is our mind. Well, it actually can change into something worse if we're not careful--it can become more deluded and nasty.... but its nature, that Buddha potential, it can never be lost." ~Thubten Dondrub on Zencast
This sounds like a little child who never learned to embrace the world and what's going on it. Taking impermanence as a premise for detaching from the 0-120+ years that a person will live rattle my bones. Dharma is not a function of an individual, nor a simplistic aggregation of a group of minds. You live on through the things you engage in and attach to. And, suffering is not bad, and I'm not saying that because I'm a big fat Westerner. "Up until you become a Buddha you need sentient beings." Another passing quote. I don't even have a millionth of the minutes I need right now to deal with or respond to all this. All I can say is that I picture a small child who always runs away, seeking happiness, seeking fantasy...and the contextualization of what I'm hearing is just plain scary and wrong on so many levels. But I'll keep studying and listening. Babies and bathwater.
"So this is an incredible basis for being able to generate love and compassion for others. Because we have that potential in our mind, that potential is obscured by our self-obscuring our jealousy our selfishness our attachments, that prevent us loving others and caring for them and having compassion for them. But when we see them as "mother", if we train our mind to see another person as our mother, then it helps cut through all that negativity and enables these positive potentials to why not try it? If we can't do that, we at least have to reflect that this being has a mind like mine, has a pure nature like mine. This being, human, animal, insect, has mind, has Buddha nature, just like me. So how can I possibly harm a being who has Buddha nature? How can I harm another being who has possibly been my mother? Of course every sentient being has been your father as well (chuckles) and your brother, and your best friend, many times." ~Thubten Dondrub on Zencast
Holy fucking shit.