Oct 18, 2007 19:04
This is all super-theoretical hypothetical, not even a question right now. Pure theory.
So just read this as theory.
I was recently motivated to question (*question*, and only *question*) the idea of moving somewhere in the US, like New York or San Francisco. I had a negative reaction to that idea, which was interesting, because negative reactions are always interesting as they speak to something deeper.
My income and skill set are approaching a level where such a thing would be possible. Theoretically, I could maintain my job in Saint Paul, because much of our business involves flying to places outside of Minnesota, and the other business involves me computing on my computer...which I could do anywhere, including doing it on the plane to Minneapolis every month.
Yes, every month. Paying an extra $400/month for a place to stay is eventually going to be less and less of a big deal. I would come back every month and clear my schedule, which would be flexible enough due to the nature of my job, so that I would end up seeing everyone at about the same frequency as I see them anyway. I would meet up with my bosses in Saint Paul at about the same frequency I meet up with them now (meet---not see), and schedule (schedule!) time with people who are like family to me here (including my parents). I see my parents about once a month. Maybe I would actually get to see Carrie if I had time specifically set aside and dedicated to such a thing. And I could see my Osceola people, too, like Missy and Mary and the like. I could actually spend more time with the people who matter.
I love, absolutely *love* working on airplanes. If I could fly and work on my laptop, I would be happy. It's so fun!
Not only is this job in Saint Paul extremely important and valuable to me in so many ways, but so are the people here and in the surrounding area. But, there would be no necessary compromise, except for the frequency. I could even spend the summers in Minneapolis, which, quite honestly, would be like a dream. A really, really good dream. For example: Jonny P is like family, but we only manage a once-per-month chunk of time anyway it seems, except during the summer, during which I'd live here. Except for comedy on Sundays, this is the case with Luciano and Nicky and Adam and the like....but, people like Ryan J and AhsMaddieJustinKellitaSonja....that would suck, although it seems that most of our quality time is spent during the summers, anyway....I wouldn't get to see Kara, though. :( But, we could make up for it in the summer.
And again, this is all a thought experiment in feasibility, which my programming skills might soon allow. Work to live, they say. But, I also live to work---I love it. It's so ideal!
This all sounds very inefficient, though. Either way, interesting to think about.
This is all very verbose, because it's my journal, where I go to be verbose instead of letting one thing cloud up my head in an unverbose matter. I need to think about this, write about it, then be done with it for a while so I can get back to work.
This is all super-hypothetical, so don't even think about analyzing it as anything more than that.....but, it's interesting to think about!