Not as bad as it sounds

Apr 15, 2004 20:12

Ok, so, I've been going through a really rough time with her lately, but we've talked most of it out. Sorry to anyone I've been mean to, or anything. I truly am sorry.

So, today I went to the doctor, and got muh checkup. She looked at a few moles on my back, and found one she didn't like, at all. In fact, to quote, "I really don't like this one, I wanna do a biopsy." So she did. And there is a good possibility that this mole may be a melanoma. And for those of you who don't know, this is a melanoma:

Main Entry: mel·a·no·ma
Pronunciation: "me-l&-'nO-m&
Function: noun
Inflected Form(s): plural -mas also mel·a·no·ma·ta /-m&-t&/
Etymology: New Latin
Date: 1830
: a usually malignant tumor containing dark pigment

So, that's a little disheartening. But, the good news is that it isn't very big, and most likely can be easily removed, so long as it hasn't gone deep into my back. Now, I've had this mole as long as I can remember, so I don't know what the chances are that it's gone deep into my back, and possibly spread. I'm not worried though-- my mom isn't, and that's a sure sign that there isn't anything to be really nervous about.

As the subject title reads, this isn't really as bad as it sounds. But, I'm still going to be watching this one. The test results come back in a week. And, if it is indeed cancerous, hopefully (and most likely) it won't have spread, or anything.

Well, I'm done. I've started to read Al Franken's: Lies and the Lying Liars Who Tell Them.
I like it, so far.
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