Hey all! I've been away for long time with exams, worrying about exams and being a turtle. Actually intend to start posting and responding to MSN's again now (basically Gary won't kill me)! So far, exams have gone well, although I'm still waiting on a couple of results.
I keep changing my mind as to whether I'll try and stay in Brum or back home. Brum is better, tho home is free and I'd actually get to see
little_lottie more than once a month >:\
I picked up an application form to work in the CoOp down Pershore today, although I don't actually have any smart clothes to wear if they ask me for an interview, doh! Feeling rather podgy, must stop eating like a pig. Get exercise Andy!
Was thinking someone should organise a little get-together for everyone* before people start disappearing, any thoughts??
*people i've been drunk with you at some point ;)
***Congratulations everyone who's just finished their degree by the way :D***