Michigan senate republican Roger Kahn just introduced a
"concientious objector" bill that would "mandate that health care facilities accommodate the wishes of an employee who does not want to participate in certain health care services," an attempt to bring a national effort down to the state level.
During the Bush Administration, one of the many appalling things that was accomplished was
a framework for protecting fundamentalist bigots in healthcare who force their beliefs on the general public by
denying them medical services that conflict with the professional's personal morality. The practical application was to limit access to contraception - especially the "morning-after pill" - as part of the right's underhanded campaign to
limit reproductive freedoms.
The mendacity and hypocrisy of the Republican party is apparent when one considers the practicality of applying this standard to other fields than medicine. Republicans fight hard against
protections for whistleblowers (who are, of course, conscientious objectors). They would also never approve of this standard being utilized, for example, by a police officer who happened to think our drug laws were immoral and refused to arrest anyone on drug-related charges.
So how about it Sen. Kahn? - Should Rastafarians be allowed to go to work for the DEA and refuse to handle investigations related to marijuana?