From the Party That Gave us "Trickle-Down Economics"

Apr 22, 2009 09:11

Now we have "Trickle-down War Crimes" ...

Senate Report Links CIA To Military's Harsh Tactics, April 22, 2009

"The brutal treatment of terror detainees and prisoners by members of the military followed directly from the CIA's use of harsh interrogation techniques, according to a Senate report that is likely to add fuel to the debate over the United States' use of torture. The 232-page report released Tuesday by the Senate Armed Services Committee came less than a week after President Barack Obama released Bush-era memos that detailed the use of harsh tactics by the CIA." ... [More ...] | [Read the Report]

Oh, by the way - for anyone who wants to pretend that the Bush Administration didn't know what was doing was "Torture" - there's now evidence coming out about their extensive efforts to destroy the evidence of the legal opinions they solicited to cover their tracks.

AND, while we're on the topic of torture; for this crowd that keeps justifying tossing out democracy and the rule of law with the premise "well, they had to do what they needed to do after 9/11" - that argument is a hot load of bull. Here's why: after the September 11th attacks, congress did EVERYTHING the Bush administration wanted - AND FAST. The "USA PATRIOT Act" was introduced on September 19, 2001, passed by both houses of congress on October 24, 2001, and signed into law by October 26, 2001.

Just over a month and everything the administration asked for was in place. There is NO reason whatsoever that the Bush Administration couldn't have approached congress and requested legislation to justify torture if they felt it was necessary. It would have been signed, sealed and delivered with the efficiency of a F-1 pit crew.

So why the secrecy ... ?
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