its not that i dont want pity....i dont deserve any

Apr 18, 2004 02:56

hey everyone...i know i said that my previous post was my last.....but i just thought id fill you in on whats going on....if u dont really care...just stop reading now....but i know a lot of you do and thats why im writing really grateful to have good friends and i love all of you.....but there are many things in my life right now that outweigh the happiness i get from you....not sayin you guys dont make me happy....but its only temporary arent the problem....all of you are great....I'M the problem....a couple of years ago i had an episode...those who knew me back then know what im talkin about....and its never really gone fact it haunts me....all the time....its not somethin i can just snap out of.....i wish i could....but right now it has resurfaced immensly due to everything going on.....fortunately this is the second time this has happened and i now have the sense enough to know to get im going to start seeing someone on my free will to help deal with my emotional get to the probably wont be seeing much of me for a while....there are a lot of things that need to be attended to in my life and in my mind and cant be put off any 19....its about time i started acting like it....i hope this doesnt sound too selfish....i think going to see this guy and takin a break from things for a while will be beneficial to all....because the last thing i want to do is hurt anyone....especially my family and close friends....even though i know i hurt them anyway...but i dont mean to....i dont want to hurt anyone......but....thank you are all great.....i love you.....

see you around
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