New ficlet series for Eyeshield 21

Feb 05, 2014 14:04

What it says on the tin. Details as follows:

Title: Venus has a Lion’s Soul [ヴィーナスは獅子の魂を備える]
Genre: Sports, friendship, family, angst, mild fluff, passing mentions of romance
Rating: PG-15 for swearing + minor psychological darkness in some chapters
Summary: Life, love, friendship and the gridiron. The AU where being born female doesn't stop their rise in the world of Amefuto.

Aaannnnddd before we start:

-Sena will not be given his own chapter. It’s just, there are plenty of fem-Sena-centric stories out there already.

-Some stories are interconnected. Some are not. So even if a character is genderbended in one chapter, he may not be in another. Some chapters feature a handful of genderbended characters, in others there's only one.

-Will try to keep the defining elements of a genderbended character intact as much as I can. Still, genderbending means mini-changes to canon events. So feel free to submit questions regarding this AU! ;)

1. Nothing in Common (Hiruma)

Youhi’s birth name was Ayakazu, and she’d gun down anyone who’d dare utter it. Not that she had to. At present, the only living soul who had half the guts to do so was her fucking old man. Whom she wanted nothing to do with. Fuck him and fuck his loser ways, the way he just bowed and bended over when his bosses demoted him (she had never hated the phrase "Moushiwake arimasen" before this), never mind how fucking unfair that was and there was the data to prove it ("TOU-SAN!" she screamed, and he turned away as if he could not hear her), it and the fact one of them had practically molested Youhi’s mother ("Please," came the sob, and now she knew what Kaa-san sounded like, begging Tou-san); if only he could’ve just gone to court, she would’ve-

That was in the past. She’d already cut all her ties with the spineless bastard. Now and here was the Christmas Bowl.

("I can't live with you anymore," said a woman to her husband, and there ended a precocious child's first dream.)

- Ayakazu (亚夜和) = "that which is most peaceful after the night". Only, that peaceful night gave way to "demon princess" (Youhi/妖姬)…

- Moushiwake arimasen: a very formal expression of apology, addressed to superiors.

2. To Be A Butterfly (Taki)

All her life, Yasuka had always been certain she was made for something. Ballet, modelling, swimming, something. Those people who rejected her simply hadn’t recognized her talent yet.

So she would go far, far away, to the land of promises, to America. Where she would try American football, because everybody there loved that sport. Besides, it looked like fun, and she could master all things, easy-peasy! The world would raise itself a new star in no time.

Only, that alien earth broke her heart as well. And the answer turned out to be closer to home all along.


She’d told her lovely sister that everything would work itself out.

-Yasuka (惠香) = ‘the fragrance of blessing/ grace/ kindness’. As a girl, Taki still pirouettes around. With shorts underneath her skirt.

-Title inspired by Zhuangzi’s ‘butterfly dream’.

eyeshield 21, genderbender, fanfic, venus has a lion's soul

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