Dec 08, 2005 12:01
I am so stupid, some how I lost my banking card and library card on the way home from Caz house. I reckon I must have lost them at her bus stop when I got money out before I got on to the bus to sort out my fare. I fuckin hate buss, they are the spawn of Satan (they aren’t red for nothing). So yeah I cancel both cards just a little while ago so that’s stop some townie thief from trying to take my money and from taking some books so that they can wipe their arses with the fucking inbred cunts. With no card for a week I won’t be able to get out any money, I probably won’t be able to use my passport for proof of ID as that’s not valid now. So that ruins my week. First off I am meant to go have lunch with Caz tomorrow but I have no money to buy food and drink, then the same night I am meant to go on a pub crawl round town. I could more then likely borrow some money off someone but I am one of these people who hate to borrow money. I feel like I owe them more then just the money, its fuckin silly.
In other news I like the new system album 'Hypnotyze', it’s such a great album, so much better then mesmerize. I have other stuff to chat about but I really can’t be arse to type more. Well at least that got some profanities off my chest