Fires, trees, concrete & food from packets

Mar 16, 2009 12:50

Ok I havent had a whine in a long long time but last night I got my fuckin FILL of the fear mongers that are trying to do my head in.

YES we live in residential bushland.
YES I know that we live in what they call "Bushfire prone zone".
YES I know TREES FUCKIN BURN (so do people if you cover them in petrol!)

I am sorry, but yes I KNOW we live in a bushy area which in turn leaves us open to the threat of bushfires. I am sick of people saying to me OH your house & area is lovely BUT....BUT FUCKIN WHAT? I should knock down all my trees & concrete the fuckin lot?

I am nearly at the point of throwing this fear feeding mentality a reality check right in their faces.

1. If it wasnt for people like YOU that concrete & pave their entire or most of their backyards for "convenience" (& because they are lazy cunts & dont want to garden) are contributing to global warming & CAUSING bushfires.
2. These people that DONT have vegie patches or fruit trees or grow any of their own food are contributing to global warming & CAUSING bushfires.
3. These people that have lawn over trees - are contributing to global warming & CAUSING bushfires.
4. These people that eat shit food that all comes in packaging are contributing to global warming & CAUSING bushfires.

So next time someone says to me I should move or DO I KNOW THAT I could be burnt to the ground I am going to hit them with the above.

I wonder how they would react?

Makes me mad that the people that have trees & a edible garden are the ones that come under most threat from fires which are caused by unaware human beings that are consumerist FUCKTARDS!

End of tanty.
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