Tarot du Jour

May 23, 2007 22:54

Osho Zen:

Flowering, Queen of Rainbows: You might feel like a garden of flowers right now, showered with blessings from everywhere. Um. I have had moments where I've felt the love of the universe and I know that I'm a blessed child. Really not feeling showered with blessings though. Perhaps more would help? ;)

Oneness, 24 of the Major Arcana: Prophesy: A cycle has ended, and a place of reward, completion, and success soon will be reached. you will triumph in a certain area of spiritual growth, reaching another step in cosmic understanding. Again, um, what?

3 of Swords, right tilt: She's out of control or over her head in some way. Uh, the only thing out of control right now is my spending, which is reigned in by the facts that I've yet to be paid and thus am out of money and I'm going to the perio on Friday who gets all the rest of my money.

Note: all three decks can fit into the wee purse, though this leaves little room for much else.


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