Because today's version of tired is crankybitch.

Aug 23, 2006 17:33

Here's the height poll that I mentioned days ago. Height matters to me in all non-platonic senses. I know my friends here range from under 5' to at least 6'7 so I want to see what other people's limits are with regard to height.

Here are my answers and why straight out:
I'm 5'10.5 in my bare feet. I usually round this up to 5'11 when I talk to be people because if I put anything on my feet, I'm 5'11, at least.
For non-platonic males: I need to be able to at least look a guy in the eye. I hate looking taller than a guy I'm out with. So, for guys, they need to be at least 5'10. 5'9 may be okay, if they are exceptional. Anything taller is awesomeness. I don't really care about wearing heels but I love feeling short. :) My favorite height for a guy though is around 6'3.
For non-platonic females: I know I'm exceptionally tall for a chick my age - seems like tall girls are becoming more and more common :). Still, height is important when I deal with women. I don't have firm numbers but I know I start flinching in the "damn, you were awesome til you stood up" manner at 5'3-5'4. That'd be my hard shorter limit though I'd rather keep to chicks 5'6 or taller. I know it shouldn't matter so much with chicks, or so I've been told but it still matters to me. I don't like looking like the guy in the couple, I don't like leaning far down for kisses. Just.don'

I've been advised on more than one occasion that height doesn't matter when you're horizontal. Of course, it is always chicks shorter than me who say this. :P And I have to say that it actually does matter then. Not only am I tall, I have a long torso. To explain, because some people I've said that to just don't get it, I have average legs, they are maybe 1 yard long. That seems like a lot until you realize that's only half my height. The length between my hip bones and the bottom of my rib cage is 8 inches. I have a looooooong body. There are things I cannot do with guys taller than I am because my torso is too long and thus, those things are awkward/uncomfortable/I'm arched in some weird manner. So being with people shorter than me? Oh yeah, height matters in bed.

If the poll isn't clear, say so. For the checkboxes on upper and lower height limit, if it varies, say somark all that apply. If height doesn't matter, skip the question/pick the last answer (but not the entire poll, there are some Qs about when height matters). Feedback always welcome.

Poll The Height Factor

dating, women, men, poll, the height issue

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