Things My Cats Can Do...

Dec 27, 2005 17:36

Through no desire of my own, my two cats are confined to my 12'x15' bedroom. Have been there since May 2005 and not looking to have more space until next May, at least.

Boredom being the mother of "so what shall we do now?", they have figured out:
* scaling my 8' bookcase, knocking off the giant lion stuffed animal from the top of it * opening bifold closet doors * shortsheeting the bed * stripping the bed * turning on the ceiling fan, using the pullcord * knocking the ceiling fan's blades askew * opening the bedroom door * vanishing one of their water bowls

Okay, okay, so they didn't vanish the water bowl. But at 6am when its not plainly visible where it ought to be and neither is under the bed or dresser, vanish is apt. It was later discovered that they merely stacked one bowl on top of the other.


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