darts and such

Aug 09, 2005 10:29

So last night was all about playing darts with K. I was less than 5 minutes late! :) And that's only because I got turned around twice (driving on auto-pilot) and parked at the first "close enough" spot I saw.

It was so fun! I got a Jolly Rancher which turned out to be pink of all things. I expected green. But it was still good and tasty. I won both times :) But K was only a point behind me both times. She's good for someone who didn't know how to play when we started :)

Yay, yay, yay! :) And we may be doing this on a semi regular basis. Like every other Monday. Yay! I love darts!

Current plan for Thursday, as confirmed with MarriedIn (who will be calling Original in a bit) and Wicked:
* Drinking at Carpool in Reston, they are actually having a beer tasting that night! :) (all sibs, Mom is watching the grand)
* Leave at 7:15, take the toll road out
* Arrive at Gravelly Point Park around 8 to meet Wicked.

Forgot to mention earlier: K showed up with *2* CarbonLeaf CDs AND a Jump CD!... technically, she brought me one and then her DF burnt me a second one. (Should also be noted that K's DF is also my friend and while she wanted me to have the newest CL, he wanted me to have his favorite CL tunes) I loves K now, and I loves K's DF, too. You may all go now. ;)

29 days until I see Carbon Leaf! :D

men, plans

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