there will be dancing!

Apr 20, 2005 01:50

Friday night, yes, just two days from today (Wed, 20 Apr), I want to go out dancing. Do you want to go out dancing?

Unless someone wants to drive me, I will have to take J to work in order to drive so I can't head towards downtown until slightly after 10pm. Drink that coffee! :)

I can take 3 people. Since we'd be leaving after 10 to start with, I'd prefer to have all riders gathered up and good to go at my apt by 9:40ish, so I can run J to work, swing back to pick everyone up again and then go downtown for the dancing. Taking J to work, round trip, takes about 15 minutes.

Where are we going? ... I dunno. I have never been dancing downtown before. Suggestions? :)

When are we leaving? When the music stops and they boot us out! :) Seriously, whenever people-wanting-to-leave outnumber people-who-want-to-stay. I'm flexible, I just want to dance.

If you want to come dancing, comment. If you need a ride, commment. If you know a good place to go, comment. If you think you might be able to meet us there whenever we decide where "there" is, comment.


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