Last week = Preseason, week 1.

May 25, 2010 00:54

So the new dealio for exercise is "Walk 15 miles each week." Wherein I include 1hr classes as counting for 2 miles. Someone pointed out that this is grossly underestimating the classes but really, it depends on the class.

My exotic dance classes were very slow as new people were there every week and the basics got pretty redundant for the rest of us. So, I'd give that a mile each class.

Bellydance class last year was always doing something as it was a progressive class. It was definitely two miles each class, at least.

The pole-dancing class I took forever ago? Where I actually achieved muscle failure in my legs? Oh, buddy, that's at least four miles. Cuz I never ever have gotten my quads to failure before, or since.

When it comes to counting classes as miles, I'd much rather under- than over- estimate them.

So, last week:
I actually walked 10.95mi last week. Because if I had hit 11, then my number issues would make me take it to 12 and I was already cutting it close with getting the rest of my agenda for the day done.

However. I then went out later Saturday evening and shook my sweet ass on the dance floor for ... at least an hour. So we're going to call that 1.05, to give me an even 12 for the week.

Goal: 15/15
Actual: 12/15

Which is really not bad for a start. Especially given the utter lack of exercise for *cough*waytoofuckinglong*cough* prior to this. And uh, with the "10aweek" previous plan, I did less than 5mi for the first couple weeks so this is comparatively fantastic.

We're over a month from my birthday (best day of the year, imo), so yeah, this is preseason. This is going to run the duration of my 33rd year. Maybe we'll knock it to 25 for 34 and 35 for 35? We'll see how distance running and I work out when we get there. ;)

Yes, I'm still talking about running in a post where I only walked. With the lack of exercise in my life lately, I'm just walking these days. Partly due to AWOL sports bras, partly due to easing back into things. The nice thing was that on my third day on the treadmill last week, I actually was back to doing intervals up to 5" on 3.8! That's pretty decent. We'll get to 2mi at 4.0 and then start probably with c25k again (once sports bras are unpacked/found/rebought as needed).

Who keeps trying shit over and over until she gets it done? THIS GIRL!

plans, goals, 15aweek

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