dear internet,

Jun 25, 2009 21:57

So, I'm emailing with this guy from yet another dating site. He mentions his crazy stressy job, I mention that he needs some of the awesome stress relief, known as hanging out with me. His reply only mentions a need for stress relief, not me. So my answer is backing off, perhaps the crazy stress is a way to not be interested in me. His next messages mentions needing massage. In that typical, hinting way that I run into so often.

Because if a guy doesn't ask if I'm a whore, then he wants free work.

However, in my experience, giving up massage right away is nets the same results as giving up sex right away - either way, he's not going to call again. I did once have a guy pay me to give him a massage. That was just awkward, having a business transaction at the start of what could have turned into a personal relationship, which obviously did not.

As this guy did not come right out and ask me to work on him for free, I don't feel right responding in the snippy way that immediately comes to mind. After thinking about this for most of the day, I think I could probably get away with laughing it off with how I too am in need of a massage, doctors' kids get sick, shoemakers' kids are barefoot, etc.

However, if you have a job where individuals benefit, plumber, doctor, nurse, electrician, etc, how do you deal with people you are just getting to know who want free work?

Is this one of those things were if he was actually interested in me, he wouldn't say such a thing?

I think it is possible that I could be over-reading how hint-y this email is, at this point, I'm a little sensitive to it. I'm pretty done with bullshit at this point and if I even get an inkling of not being treated well, I'm shutting things down. The other day, I had some guy email me and mentioned the phrase "rutting like minks." Now I do speak pretty plainly and I've got no problem with swearing, but seriously? Minks are soft but rodents all the same and rutting, please, it's just such an ugly euphemism. No thank you. See you never.

Tangent aside (hee!), is laughing it off (as mentioned above) the right/best thing to do? Do you have better ideas? Should I give up already on this one?

Ever confused,
She Who Fails At Dealing With Men

dating, men, massage

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