Random questions stolen from Kell and Beth.

Sep 28, 2007 23:13

The Questions:
What color is fear?
What sound does affection make?
What texture does Autumn have?
What shape does a conversation make?
What fabric is a kitten made of?
What noise is made by curiosity?
What is the smell of knowledge?
How do you punctuate life?
What does death taste like?
If a tree falls in the forest and there's no one to hear it, what kind of tree is it?

What color is fear? Brilliant, blinding red-orange.
What sound does affection make? Giggles
What texture does Autumn have? Dry, brittle with torn edges, yes, precisely like fallen leaves
What shape does a conversation make? Sphere
What fabric is a kitten made of? Silk
What noise is made by curiosity? A motor revving and humming
What is the smell of knowledge? Green
How do you punctuate life? With a comma, because it keeps going
What does death taste like? Ice
If a tree falls in the forest and there's no one to hear it, what kind of tree is it? Fallen but still loved.


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