exploding water heater/chinese new years/good hair day

Feb 14, 2010 20:20

hey guys. thought i'd update cause i'm quite bored and feel like dodging from my textbooks (dont want to study anymore).

oh to start it off, i'm have a (lol face is covered) <3

fine here's another angle, you can kinda see face :) 
(taken with webcam)

so on friday when i came home from school and lunch, i thought i would be able to finally recover from nights of little sleep and my previous days of intense snow shoveling. however, when i decided for some odd reason to go down into my basement for some sandpaper, you know what i discover? well...basically half my basement was FLOODED, and when i mean FLOODED i mean like... going all over my cardboard boxes and seeping into the wood foundations for the basement stairs and all those lovely things.

the first thing i did was call my mom and tell her the lovely news, then i proceeded to wear my boots and waded to where all the storage boxes are and began the slow process of carrying them away from the huge puddle of water. there were a total of about....20 or more boxes. some weighed close to nothing, while others had old tvs and childhood books/toys/clothes in them, which all weighed a ton. usually i would have no trouble with the weight of the boxes, but since i still had sore shoulders/arms/back from shoveling snow, i worked twice as slow to move every thing out of the way. after about an hour and a half of lifting things, my mom and i used mops to begin the slow process of cleaning up the lake that formed in our basement. we rung out all the water in a huge ass 12+ gallon bucket and i carried that bucket to the drain everytime the buck was around halfway filled with water.

long story short, it was a lot of hard labor and i'm glad my sister came home that weekend to help me out with this mess. at one point, my sister decided to get our snow shovel and with my broom/squeegee contraption device, i pushed water into the shovel and we started to bail water out in that fashion. however, the stupid water heater was still leaking -_- and i decided to use my latent handy woman powers (yeah i'm modest :P) and found the stupid heater's drainage faucet =____= and drained the rest of the 50 or so gallons of water out of the stupid fucking heater. THAT took around 2 hours. aside from the soreness of it all, it was nice to get everything under control while getting a good workout at the same time :)

okay time to get back to studying -_-

fail, life

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