Oct 05, 2005 09:22
I can dance...
I can sing...
I can shout...
I can cry...
I can laugh...
I can live... Let everything that has breath praise the Lord.
Well... i'm not going to tell you that I have been doing amazing but... I will tell you that Im doing good and that God is having his way in my life. Im at the place where all i need and all want and all i desire and all i hunger and thirst for is my love... The Lord was showing me that I can be at this place all the time. I remember when i first got saved i was all exited and pumped up and telling everyone about jesus and how he changed my life and how he could do the same for them.I spent days on my face seeking him fully thats all i wanted to do i could live my whole life just spending time with my love...So much time has gone by and it's like im living life and change has come and gone but... somewhere i feel like i have left the Lord behind when that wasnt my heart at all. You know i pray and worship and God is moving in my life but how much more would he move if i gave him everything. Gave him my all not a little worship here and there or a little quiet time here and there or prayer a little here and there but everyday living my life to please him like when i first got saved. talking to him about my problems seeking him in my troubled times falling on my face and weeping because he is so freaking amazing. tahts what im talking about. Lord forgive me spark that hunger inme like never before I agape you. You are all I want.