Title: Peaches and Cream
Fandom: Bleach
Characters/Pairings: Grimmjow x Apache, Ulquiorra
Rating: Compared to most of my stuff, I'd give this a PG-13, but some might call it R. Nothing graphic, but definite sexual innuendos, and some f bombs.
Notes: Not much to say, except just read it. Even if you don't dig the pairing, you may find this amusing
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GO GO GINNY! crack is golden! =)))))
the last line with Ulquiorra made me smile a lot XDDD
The "cosplay shots in return" option sweeped me off my feet.. just, tell me what you have in store...! XD a list of costumes would be nice enough, I'll think about how to mix/modify them to make them look like what I want you to do... just tell! *^^*
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