Title: Long Way To Go
Fandom: Bleach
Characters: Apache-centric, mentions of Halibel, Mira Rose, and Sun Sun
Rating: PG
Words: 550
Notes: I was making a writing sample for an Apache RP application...and I actually liked the bit. I love Apache so much, and I hope at some point the fandom will start to play with her a bit more. (And the rest of Halibel's gang!)
Apache lay back against the dead tree, chewing on the end of a wood splinter. Her arms were behind her head, and she looked lazily up at the dim sky. It was a slow day, her fellow fraccion were, for the moment, no where to be seen. Her mistress was also scarce, but this was a rather ordinary occurence for Halibel.
Apache was seldom alone these days. She slept in the same quaters as Sun Sun and Mira Rose, she trained with them several times a day...and occasionally caused mischief...whether with them, or on them. They had their spats, but they got along fairly well. It wasn't that she didn't enjoy their company, but sometimes she needed her space.
If she wasn't with the two, she was with Halibel. Often she had trouble understanding her mistress, and how she managed to be so strong, and so quiet at the same time. She could seldom read her, her moods changing infrequently. But it also made her a demon on the battlefield. Emotions could be a dead give away of one's next move, and Halibel had mastered the fine art of disguising the meaning behind her motions. If only Apache could be half as good as her mistress...
Her eyes fell on a tiny lizard that had crawled up her chest. The demonic looking lizard had a skull for a head, and red beady eyes.
“Get, will ya?! Shoo!” She said, watching the little thing scurry off her chest. She watched it as it ran. It was a quick little bastard. Sitting up, she stared at it for a second, before making a grab for it. She missed.
There were times where Apache needed to get away from her companions, and her mistress. She needed to sit and think for herself. Their company was appreciated, but if she didn’t get away every now and then, she would go mad.
The lizard stared at her from a rock. Growling slightly, she pounced at it and missed for a second time.
She wasn’t planning on staying a fraccion forever. She would one day stand on her own two feet, and lead others. She would decide the company she kept and who would serve her. She would be able to battle some of the strongest opponents, and not only defeat them, but make them wish they had never laid eyes on her.
Third time is a charm. A fist caught the creature and held on to it with a death grip. The squirming lizard twisted violently in her hands, trying to escape in vain. She grinned manically.
“...In order to become what I was, I had devour those weaker than me.” Halibel had once told her, in her usual soft, neutral tone.. “Being an Espada takes sacrifice. Do you think you have that in you?”
“‘Course I do!” Apache’s response was given with a wide grin. “How could ya even doubt it for an instant?”
She stared at the lizard long and hard. It stared at her with its big red eyes, blinking twice. She froze for a moment, feeling its movement start to slow. A few more moments, and it would be dead. Her fingers slowly unraveled around it, and it scurried to the ground.
She knew she had a long way to go.