After getting that Decemberists fan e-mailing a few weeks ago (1/17), I asked myself semi-indignantly, "Why aren't you on an email list like this for Franz Ferdinand?!"
Apparently I chose a good time to get on the list, because their new album is out on Feb. 9th :D
I have been a fan of the band, Franz Ferdinand, since high school, though perhaps in a casual way?
When I was in high school (if you've known me this long, har), I took art as my elective all four years and I had Mrs. Gard all four (in the first year there was another teacher I could have had, but didn't). Mrs. Gard played music in her classroom while we worked (after announcements, demos, etc) and I still can't hear some of the music and think of anything but her and her class ('Red Red Wine' comes to mind...and some Rod Stewart material). I mean, at least it was popular music, not classical type stuff? But 5 days a week for 4 school years with a fairly small playlist it would get old fast...
Well, not as a freshman, but later on in art 2, 3, and AP Portfolio, a student might bring in their own CD to be played during class (as I can really only remember the selections of one particular student at this point, Nico, I can't speak to the details). I assume part of the deal was that the music in question would not be...questionable? But in both cases I can recall, Nico's selection wound up getting canned partway through (in both cases, I assume he was hoping to slip by on some technicality because these weren't explicit lyrics...they were just suggestive lyrics and maybe Mrs. Gard wouldn't be listening that carefully).
Anyway, they were Franz Ferdinand's eponymous first album and t.A.T.u.'s 200 km/h in the Wrong Lane. And in both cases Nico, who was a really nice, friendly guy (and certainly my best friend in art after Erasmo moved away sophomore year), let me borrow his CDs for a test-listening at lunch.
Nico M---, thanks for sharing your musical tastes with art class in general and then with me in particular! I bought both of the albums I'd sampled (and while I only went one further to "Dangerous and Moving" with t.A.T.u.), I am still a fan of Franz Ferdinand to this day!!