Jul 02, 2004 13:26
When you vote, remember…
George W. Bush is responsible for:
-The greatest deficit in the history of the United States. By 2004, more than $500 million and deficits of at least $400 billion over the next 10 years.
-Turning $5.6 trillion projected surplus into a $5.6 trillion projected deficit.
-Raiding the entire Social Security fund of $2.5 trillion.
-Leaving 3 million people without health care, 40 million total.
-Causing 1.6 million to lose their jobs, the most jobs lost since the Great Depression.
-Ineffective economic policies based on giving majority tax cuts to the rich.
-70% of tax cuts going to wealthiest 20% by 2003.
-51% of tax cuts going to wealthiest 1% by 2010.
-30 years of environmental policies destroyed.
-Allowing corporations to exploit the American people.
-Approval and use of off shore tax shelters; Robbing the U.S. of $70 billion a year
-Education initiatives under-funded by $9 billion
-A right-wing “Christian” agenda, affecting women’s rights, gay rights, freedom of speech, and privacy (Patriot Act).
-A war started over weapons of mass destruction, which were never found, or they never existed.
-Lack of planning on the Iraqi occupation that has lead to the deaths of hundreds of troops and thousands of Iraqis.
-The alienation of the international community.
Vote Smart. Vote Kerry.
I just made these and am going to be handing them out on the 4th.
Support Kerry! Don't let Bush back into office to corrupt our country further!