Fic-Dump. These are all meme responses, and follow-ups to previous fics. Everything's linked to the original fic, all the cut-tags are fake. Cross-posted to
Set2Music Title: Homecoming
Becky_HCharacter(s): Fifth Doctor, Jack
Genre: Slash
Rating: PG
Spoilers The Sound of Drums
Warnings: None
Word Count: 300-ish
Set2Music Prompt 42: So many memories and so many miles
Summary: Written for the Time-Stamp Meme, and
Miss_Zedem. 100 years after
Glass and Water.
The Doctor doesn't have a clue what Jack's talking about )
Title: Spanner In The Works
Becky_HCharacter(s): Tenth Doctor, Jack
Genre: Gen
Rating: G
Spoilers Nope
Warnings: Fluff
Word Count: 100, exactly
Set2Music Prompt 43: I've never seen a human being so tightly wound
Summary: Written for the Time-stamp Meme, requested by
Unfeathered. Ten minutes after
Jack threw a spanner at the Doctor's head )
Title: Heat
Becky_HCharacter(s): Jack Harkness, Acrobat Twins.
Genre: Slash
Rating: PG
Spoilers Nope.
Warnings: None, really.
Word Count: 300.
Set2Music Prompt 39: Unafraid of the fire
Summary: Time-stamp meme response, written for
Sistercarrion. Set the morning after
Meant For Breaking.
It was worth everything )
Title: The Better Part of Valor
Becky_HCharacter(s): Jack
Genre: Gen
Rating: PG
Spoilers Nope
Warnings: Just language
Word Count: 100, exactly
Set2Music Prompt 40: Never again
Summary: Written for the Time-Stamp Meme, for
Donutsweeper. Seven years after
Never Doing That Again.
He said it often, loudly, and with conviction )
Title: The Morning After
Becky_HCharacter(s): Jack, Rose
Genre: Allusions to slash.
Rating: PG
Spoilers Nope.
Warnings: None.
Word Count: 100, exactly
Set2Music Prompt 45: The worst ain't so bad
Summary: Written for the Time-stamp meme, for
arithiel. The morning after
She's worse than the Doctor )
Title: Careful Manipulation
Becky_HCharacter(s): Jack, Jacobi!Master
Genre: AU!
Rating: PG
Spoilers Vague ones for Utopia through Last of the Time Lords
Warnings: Not really.
Word Count: 650
Set2Music Prompt 47: Some things we bury are bound to rise again.
Summary: Written for the Time-Stamp meme, and
Jadesfire2808. Set 3 days after
Redux-verse fic.
This time the decision is in the Master's hands )