Helpful things

Jul 12, 2007 10:57

Hi ho! I'm Den, your other friendly mod here. ;-) A lot of you I know, some of you I don't. *waves* I'm just posting the FAQ so we can make sure that we're all on the same page. That way if I have to nudge anyone, you can't say you didn't know. ;-) (as always, the FAQ is also posted in our profile.)

First of all, the wonderful bellamyrose has made us some icons. Those are posted in our profile. Feel free to use one if you wish! :D

Second of all, please take note of these two things:
Please use cut tags (fake cuts to other journals are fine as long as the posts aren't locked).
Please tag entries according to fandom, slash/gen/het and rating (G, PG, PG13, R, NC17).

1. How long do fics have to be?
They can be as long or short as you want.

2. What about claims?
Nope.Links to your Lyric Table would be shiny and stating your pairing would be shinier. We only need you to state your fandom and pairing, though. We're hoping that leaves more options open.

3. How many people can write a fandom (character pairing)?
As many people that show up.

4. Do I have to use your prompts?
No. These are just guidelines. If you want to use all, some, or none, that's cool.

5. Is there a time limit?
Only if you set one for yourself.

6. What about original characters?
There should be a fandom that you are writing in, but if the original character is part of the larger fic, that's fine.

7. How will you know what prompt we're writing for?
Please include the lyric and the prompt # in the header when you post.

8. How do we use the table?
Use the table to keep track of the lyrics you'll be using for your fics.When you post, link to the fic in your table post and when you're done all 50 fics, link us to your completed table.

9. What if I don't know html or how to code?
Ask one of us. We'd be happy to help you.

10. Can we write more than one fandom for different prompts?
Please keep the stories to one fandom. You can write different pairings for a fandom (for instance, you could write Doctor/Master for one fic and Nine/Jack for another, but they are both Doctor Who.

And the fine print:
Themaintainers reserve the right to edit and add to the F.A.Q. at any timethat they see fit. If there are any questions, please feel free toemail us.


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