o6. ∮ you know, i didn't need to love myself

Nov 03, 2011 23:12

finally. something to do on my journal. and watch me not include deadland and deathdealed . . .

state of the rp: general
this month -- or rather, october has been really lousy for my rp drive. it keeps dying, mostly from my lack of interest and ideas and partly from people. it's more like a slump or a burnout though rather than just plain disinterest and i've -- been trying to pull myself together to at least attempt to tag. i now realize that i might just settle down for museboxing and stuff, depending on how things develop? idk.

state of the game
main game blah blah. i'm not entirely sure what i'm supposed to do next. i mean, sure i have tons of ideas of what i can do with sheryl and with ren. it's the execution that escapes me. halloween went down the drain, i'm on hiatus, i'm struggling with tags -- is this a sign?

character: SHERYL NOME [northerncrosses]
age: 17
series: Macross Frontier
time played: since june

muse strength: ■ ■ ■ ■ ■
sheryl's been my strongest muse ever since lenalee. she's very natural to play and i'm not even sure where i'm getting the ideas for tagging or for posting. even during my slump, she's the one character i can still tag with so. yep.

cast strength: ■ ■ ■ ■ □
BAAAWWW RANKA WHY ARE YOU IN A COMA ;A; seriously speaking though, deji's ranka is just. adorbs all around. i-i'm just a horrible castmate and stuff. tbh, i've been lucky with my rankas and alto so far. so yep. no complaints here.

plotting capabilities: ■ ■ ■ ■ ■

shipping potential: □ □ □ □ □
i do ship her with a lot of people (and a lot of those ships are guilty ships and all that) but that's just me. in-game, sheryl's far too focused on the things she needs to do i.e. concert, badges, going home and i'm trying to keep it that way. i don't usually play ships unless it happens. actually, even if it happens, i get awkward playing ships so there.

likelihood of drop: ■ □ □ □ □
i'll probably drop everyone first before i drop sheryl :[ still though, i'm getting really frustrated -- not with her but with people.

development/final thoughts:
i'm not sure if sheryl's developed that much yet in johto. true that it's completely out of her comfort zone and that she's slowly adapting to place where people aren't falling head over heels over her (well, THEY STILL DO but yeah). i think without grace, she's more independent than before and more focused with what she wants to do. all that traveling by walking has to make her learn something, right? whether or not she'll develop feeling for someone else other than alto, i have no idea. in my opinion, all of her cr are just -- fleeting that developing those kinds of feelings (the same feelings she has -- or at least, similar -- for alto's) is rather too much. or far-fetched.

character: REN JINGUJI [sexophonic]
age: 16
series: uta no prince-sama why does this series have a long title
time played: one month?

muse strength: ■ ■ ■ □ □
ren's voice is okay. not as strong but not fading either. i suppose having junichi suwabe for a seiyuu is a good thing since he has this sort of voice that gives you an idea as to what kind of a character he's playing. but then i'm flaking out with ren for the longest time as well. which doesn't have to do with his strength as a muse -- though it does affect it. i'm just hnggh insecure with him. like i've always been with his types of characters.

cast strength: ■ ■ ■ ■ □
dear cast, we are cliquey. i'm sorry but i love my cast far too much :[ despite being an inactive whore.

plotting capabilities: ■ ■ □ □ □
truth is, he's easy to plot with. i'm just not sure where or what to throw him in. like i always feel like i'm barging into a plot if i throw him in idk. but he does have a lot of potential for plotting.

shipping potential: ■ ■ ■ ■ ■
DON'T YOU WANT TO BE SERENADED OUTSIDE YOUR WINDOW? though seriously speaking, he has more shipping potential than sheryl given that he's from an otome game. at least, if you can stand him being a bastard. admittedly however, i want to ship him with someone who can -- control his bastard-ness and just rein him in. or at least motivate him to do things.

likelihood of drop: ■ ■ ■ ■ □
no shit. ren's like the first person i keep flaking on whether to drop or not to drop. for one thing, i do have a cast which i won't be able to find somewhere else. on the other hand . . . my insecurity and that drama a while back made me ask myself if it's worth it to have him around in a game. idk.

development/final thoughts:
development what development? i still want a masato. i think that it would be different if there was a masato around since much of ren's motivation to be an asshole/successful/successful asshole is because of masato and their non-existent, more passive-aggressive sexual tension. besides, i want someone to punch him again :) for naming a mareep nanami.

state of the game
zodion ahaha zodion orz

i'm so inactive with zodion it's not even funny. i mean, sure. i think zodion has a lot of potential for plotting for me. there's a lot of things to take advantage of -- and i don't mean the sex. but the landscape and stuff like that. but hnggh i'm just flailing, mostly because i hardly know the people and getting into groups is just a scary thing for me. /cries

character: TSUKUMO [idollized]
age: 16
series: karneval
time played: one+ month lolol

muse strength: ■ ■ □ □ □
not as strong as i wanted her to be. maybe at the start, she was. but with my inactivity and my rp drive dying, tsukumo's voice is slowly getting drowned by my other characters' voices. she has this kind of logic and thinking that i'm more than familiar with (i've played with tres before after all) but she's different and that jars me in a way that i ask myself whether or not i'm playing her right. imho, if i played her enough, i'd be better about it -- but right now? i'm just insecure as well.

cast strength: ■ ■ ■ □ □
b-baaaww my cast i'm so sorry for being a sucky castmate.

plotting capabilities: ■ □ □ □ □
i have far too many ideas for her /cries but they just stay that way. ideas. i'm not entirely sure if she's a good fit for this game -- maybe she's not which would explain why i'm all over the place -- but it's yeah. i don't know anymore.

shipping potential: □ □ □ □ □
this is tsukumo. who pretty much deadpans at everything and everyone and bluntly turns down all the guys. except for hirato. though i wouldn't mind her developing feelings for someone else other hirato. i think the one thing that would ping her -- would be someone who would confuse her, someone who pretty much goes against everything she knows and believes in. considering she's a very logical person and yet at the same time someone very emotional, she's never going to stop asking and being curious once it hits her the right way.

likelihood of drop: ■ ■ ■ ■ □
haha yeah i think i told erie about this already as to why i wanted to drop her. but i'll keep it that way for now, between erie and me. i'm not going to drop her just yet. not yet. but it's always an option for me, which is weird because dropping is never an option for a character for me.

development/final thoughts:
with my inactivity? i doubt she's had any developments yet in-game. i do wish she would have some kind of a big sister-/big brother-figure in the game -- someone more like iva whom she can use for a support. i think that tsukumo thinks herself as a pillar in the second ship (because lol she's the only one with common sense) hence she places a lot of burden on herself. i want to develop her in such a way that she'd at least lean on or trust someone enough to let go all of that burden for a while.


[lj] sele promises to post moar, [rp] where u at, !public

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