
Jul 31, 2004 00:07

I have come to the conclusion that I really don't like ants.

Now, I am in reality a pretty darn passive guy. I have slowly adopted an almost total "live and let live" way of life... except when it comes to ants. Ants outside are fine; ants randomly walking around my apartment are not so fine. Being alone in bed, and suddenly having an ant or two just mosey on by definitly goes onto the list labeled "Not Cool".

So what do I do? Ant traps, ant sprays, and of course, the all-mighty thumb (protected by a layer of paper towel or kleenex, naturally). I feel bad, but they cannot expect to invade my residence with out consequences! But of course, they always return.

I have recently decided to attempt to form a non-agression pact with the ants. I will find a grouping of ants. I will then give them a proposal for the queen stating I will cease hostilities if they agree to not venture beyond the kitchen counter on my south wall. If they want free food to be placed on that counter every couple days as a show of good faith (and to make amends for all the.. well... killing), then so be it. I may have to kill one of the ants in the group to show them I mean business, though.

Does anyone know how to chemically represent the above proposal? If you could mix a batch for me, that would be even better.

Wow... this is pretty random. I must be REALLY tired :)
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