Greetings from my office

Jun 27, 2005 12:13

This weekend's top story: I fixed my computer and got RR installed! Woo hoo!!
I had been having random issues with the system for a while now... Random dumps, seg faults during long compiles, applications crashing on me, etc.
At first I thought it was the memory itself, but I had that tested in another system and everything was happy.
So, then I was afraid is was the motherboard or a screwy MMU on my CPU  =(

Anyway, did some playing around, tested a different CPU, and in the end I found that my bios was ignoring the FSB when setting the memory timing!
Whether I had my FSB running at 266 or 333 didn't seem to make a difference, the memory automatically went to 400mHz every time. While this is not technically a problem, it can cause stability issues sometimes... like it did for me! Once I straightened that out on Friday, the system was much much happier. It compiled stuff all night long (emerge --sync; emerge --update --deep world: Mmmm, updates... tasty!).
After that, I got around to installing my new video card, setting up a second monitor, and configuring dual screens in Xorg! Joy of joys  =)

In other news, I took ragdyann422 to Batman Begins on Saturday and it was GREAT! The first Batman movie I have thought decently of since Batman Returns (and even that wasn't as good as the original... but at least it had Burton  =) ).

ragdyann422 finished her Harley Davidson Rider's Edge course yesterday, and she passed!! Now she can pop over to the DVM anytime in the next 45 days and get a license with a little "M" on it  =)
It was a pretty grueling weekend, but she kicked some ass on her tests and I am proud of her... and I know it is something she really wanted, so three cheers for ragdyann422! Hip hip, Hooray! Hip hip, Hooray! Hip hip, Hooray!!

Let's see, what else... that was really about it. Sunday was a random errand day (cat food, target, move stuff, etc), and here we are at Monday afternoon. Might pop over to connal's this evening and hang out. Haven't seen those guys in a while. Besides, I have to return Nrasser's processor  =P
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