Unfaithful bitch...

Dec 06, 2007 22:20

Well..Today is my fucking birthday. And all I wanted to do was get a teensy bit tipsy/drunk. So I bought two bottles of some cheap Japanese plum wine and bring it home. Plus two smaller 2oz bottles. One of Godiva and the other of Bailey's. And then all of a sudden, my mom flips out on me about her dad and how for 20 years every December he got stinking drunk. All I wanted was 3 or 4 glasses. That's all I wanted for my birthday. I didn't want anything else. No cake, no special dinner...NOTHING!

Yeah this might be the four month anniversary of when I found out about Daniel. BIG FUCKING DEAL! This is not why I want to drink a little. Well, maybe it is. I just wanted some time to myself to think on things. What was the big god-damn deal?

Its not my fault that my Grandpa Fisher was a drunk. And just because he did that to himself, doesn't mean I will. No damn faith in me. Just because he did that, doesn't mean I will turn into one. This is the first bit of alcohol I've had in years! I thought for sure I was allowed to have some after 3 years. And just a little.

What was I going to do with the rest? Save it for a rainy day of course. Why can't I have some squirreled away for such times? Because your turning into a drunk, that's why. Apparently I'm going to turn into one overnight. Believe me I don't want to turn into one. It doesn't look like being one is a lot of fun.

I don't understand her. She has absolutely no faith in me what-so-ever.

So what if I've drowned myself in my room? Who gives a shit? My friends are busy having a life and they can't stop and drop everything every time I feel depressed. My family can't understand diddly shit about my feelings. They don't want to hear the same thing over and over again. I know them. Nobody in this family likes hearing about the same old shit every single day. All my mom will say is "Go get some help. Go see a therapist."

And I'm supposed to do that when?? In between the house cleaning, and the diaper changing? The cooking and errand running?? Or maybe the damn laundry? Yeah that's when. Or maybe just maybe when I'm supposed to be asleep at night?

Leave me be. If I want to get drunk right now til I puke then I can. :glares:


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