Klutzing out really hurts...

Dec 27, 2005 18:43

especially on the pride.

Yeah I did it again. The first time ( which I haven't blogged about til now ) happened last week Monday, which means the 19th. I was ealking down our walkway outside to the cars when the heel of my foot somehow got snagged on the wooden frame. It has a slightly rounded edge for appearance sake I guess. And I must not have raised my foot up enough cause it felt like something tripped me in midair actually..Bizzare. Anyhoo, I lost my balance and started to that dance everyone does to try and regain it without falling flat on their faces.

Well, unbeknownst to me, I was headed to a very shallow hole in the ground ( thank you Bucca and Cigány ), and lost my balance most spectacularly. And I went down. Nearly did a face plant in our gravel driveway. Luckily enough my elbow and palm took the brunt of me falling and I only very lightly hit the lower portion of my stomach. Don't worry folks all is well with the baby. The only thing that got hurt was my palm, elbow and pride at falling down in the first place like a moron. I scared the shit out of my Mom and husband though. And my two stupid dogs thought "YAY! SHE'S GONNA PLAY WITH US!" ^_^ And tried to dogpile me... >.>

Well, I did it again yesterday...>.> I was carrying two large pillows that my little sister was taking with her to my house and I had my Coke can in my mouth so I couldn't see my feet. Mistake number one! ^_^;; Anyways, I was taking them down some stairs off her porch and I didn't realize until I moved forward that I had missed the very bottom stair and thats when I did it again. I lost my balance and went down hard on my right foot, the impact shook my balance enough that it brought me to my knees...Very painfully. Where, my driveway was crushed gravel that was nice and compact in the ground, this must have been freshly laid large rock gravel...I cut my right knee up on the gravel and bruised it as well. Oh yeah, and I lost my soda to the ground. :-( It hurt like hell the rest of the day, especially since I was in a car for three + hours coming back to TN as my sister lives in KY...Ihope the next 12 weeks are filled with once a week incidences where I'm falling or something equally as painful. I don't think I can take the pain... ^^;

babies, pregnancy, klutzing out

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